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5 Reasons to Switch to a Dog Shampoo Bar for an Eco-Friendly Dog Bath

July 26, 2022 3 min read

Dog Shampoo Bar

The idea that we can rid the world of all plastic waste by switching to more sustainable products sometimes seems far-fetched, but our personal choices certainly contribute to making the world more sustainable. One great way to create less plastic waste is to adjust your and your dog’s hygiene routine. A great example is using a dog shampoo bar instead of buying dog shampoo in plastic bottles. Plastic-free dog shampoo has many benefits for your dog's skin and coat as it is all-natural, eco-friendly, and sustainable.  

Unfortunately, plastic waste like our shampoo bottles is slowly choking the life out of our planet. According to research, plastic waste pollution is up by 20% from 2019. Landfills are being overwhelmed by the mountains of plastic flowing in, and the recycling measures in place are inadequate. The result? More plastic waste is finding its way into our precious seas. Plastics in seas damage our oceans and flora and fauna within them, leading to unsustainable changes to the whole world.

Switching to a dog shampoo bar, though a small change, helps address this global problem by creating less plastic waste. The best dog shampoo bars on the market can help protect and nourish your dog’s skin.

Coat and skin-friendly 

It is no secret that our furry friends often develop skin allergies from commercial dog shampoos. The high pH and synthetic ingredients in these plastic-packaged shampoos can strip the dog’s skin of its natural oils resulting in adry, itchy and flaky coat

The right dog shampoo bar will be free of any harmful chemicals. Instead, it has pet-safe organic ingredients such as hemp seed oil, coconut oil, oatmeal protein, and vegan glycerin. Handmade dog shampoo bars have a pH designed for our four-legged friends. This allows your fur baby to enjoy that clean feeling without subsequent dryness, itchiness, and feeling uncomfortable in their own skin.

Lower cost

Dog shampoo and soap bars have a reduced cost of production compared to most retail shampoos on the market. The cost of transporting ingredients is reduced, thanks to lower shipping weights that yield lower fuel costs (because with shampoo bars, you're not paying to ship a lot of water within the product). Also, dog shampoo bars require much simpler packaging as opposed to shampoo packaged in plastic bottles. All of these factors drive the cost of production down and make buying eco-friendly shampoo for your pup easier on your wallet!

Lower production cost makes dog shampoo bars less expensive, but that’s not their only monetary benefit! Dog shampoo bars are longer-lasting compared to liquid shampoo, meaning that you won’t have to buy shampoo as often.


Perhaps the most crucial benefit of switching to a dog shampoo bar is the reduction in the number of shampoo bottles crowding landfills and our oceans. Many types of dog shampoo bars have biodegradable packaging, which means recycling isn’t necessary and that no part of the shampoo bar will end up in the landfill. With fewer resources needed in production and less waste produced after use, dog shampoo bars provide a more sustainable way of keeping our four-legged babies clean. 

Easier use

It is pretty easy to work with a dog shampoo bar, because the soap fits in one hand as you hold your dog with the other. Shampoo bars are easy and effective, allowing you to apply the soap evenly through your dog's coat as you scrub with the other hand. 

Safer to use

Any time you’re giving your dog a bath, there’s always a risk of shampoo accidentally making its way into their nose, eyes, or mouth. It’s important to avoid getting shampoo anywhere it shouldn’t be, and using a plastic-free dog shampoo bar helps avoid these sensitive areas since you'll be applying the product directly where you need it to be.

Ready to clean up your dog's bath routine?

Dog shampoo bars are more eco-friendly than the alternative plastic bottles, and they are gentler on your dog’s skin and coat. Shampoo bars lather evenly, are less tedious to work with, and provide a sustainable solution for maintaining your pup’s skin and coat health. Switching your dog to a shampoo bar helps make sure that bathtime for your pup is safe for them and for our environment!

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