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Can Dogs Eat Apples? Should Dogs Eat Apple Cores and Skin?

June 09, 2022 6 min read

Dogs Eat Apple Cores

How to Feed Apples To Dogs Safely

What to Know and Avoid

Is it safe for dogs to eat apples? It's a question that might have crossed your mind when watching your dog nibble on an apple pie morsel. Or picture this: you’re slicing an apple for yourself, and suddenly your dog is at your side, giving you those adorable puppy dog eyes and asking for a piece.

Maybe you've been searching online for what fruits dogs can eat, and you're wondering if apples are on that list. Here's what you need to know: it's incredibly important to do your homework before you feed your dog anything new.

And you’ve come to the right place!

We pup parents all want our pups to be happy and healthy. One of the most fun parts of making sure that happens is showering our pups with delicious, nutritious treats! And though it can be fun to give our pups some of the foods that we love so much ourselves, it’s really important to do the research and make sure that they’re safe!

Apples are a good source of nutrients for dogs

Apples can be a great source of vitamins and fiber for your dogs. The fiber in apples might make your dog feel full fast, so they can be a good alternative snack (in moderate quantities, of course) if you want to help your dog shed excess body fat or maintain optimal body weight.

In addition, apples are rich in vitamin A, immune-boosting vitamin C and the mineral potassium. The addition of Vitamin A to your dog’s diet can help with:

  • Bone growth
  • Improving vision
  • Boosting immune response
  • Cell differentiation
  • Skin and coat health

Potassium helps in the neurotransmission of signals to the heart and muscles. The potassium your dog gets from apples helps keep them energized and stabilizes their appetite.

As you can see, there are lots of health benefits for dogs that come with giving them a bit of apple! But it’s important to know how much apple is safe and healthy for your dog, and always strictly stick to that amount.

On average, one whole apple contains about 19 grams of sugar and 95 calories. That’s a bit much for a dog, especially because dogs may only need about 40 calories per treat (or even less if they are on the small side) and should eat minimal amounts of sugar. That’s one reason apples are a great treat for dogs only in moderation. 

So, are apples safe for dogs to eat?

The short answer to the question of whether dogs can eat apples is yes! Most fruits can be a small part of a dog's balanced diet because they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

How should I give my dog apples?

As with everything you feed your pup, moderation is key. Too many apples can cause gastrointestinal issues for your pet. Moreover, some parts of an apple are less ideal for dogs, like the core and the seeds. 

Apple seeds contain traces of cyanide which is harmful to dogs in large amounts. Though it’s unlikely that your dog would eat enough apple seeds to truly harm them, it’s really best to make sure they don’t eat any seeds at all. Also, the core can be tough to chew and can lead to choking, especially if your dog is very small. 

Lastly, it’s important to always wash store-bought apples before feeding them to your dog. Pre-washing your apples can help strip off any pesticides that have been used during the growing phase.  Choosing organic apples for your dog is a great way to minimize exposure to pesticides and food wax coatings.

A slice or two of apple a day is normally healthy for a mature dog. If you cut the apple into small cubes, then you can use them as treats. Feed these treats between meals to keep your dog feeling full as they reap the healthy benefits of apple. Or, if your dog is big enough to handle larger pieces of food, you can give your pup regular-sized apple slices.

When feeding your dog apples for the first time, be sure to monitor how their body reacts to this new fruit. If your dog has trouble getting it down without choking or seems to be uncomfortable after eating it, it’s time to check in with their vet.

dog sitting in front of basket of apples

Can dogs eat apples with skin? 

Apple peels are safe for your dog to consume in moderate quantities. They contain high amounts of fiber that can help improve your dog’s digestive health. 

However, it’s not just the apple’s skin that is high in fiber… the inside of the apple is, too! Feeding too much of both to your dog can introduce excess amounts of fiber in their gut leading to gastrointestinal discomfort. If your dog seems to have trouble with the skin,, you can peel it off and serve the fleshy part instead.

Be cautious while feeding apple skin to small dogs, especially teething puppies. Long strands of apple skin can choke a dog if it is too hard for the dog to chew and digest it.

Can dogs eat applesauce?

In general, applesauce is safe for dogs to consume, but it really depends on what ingredients go into the sauce.  For the best bet, make it from scratch!  Read on for a pup-favorite recipe.

When making applesauce for dogs, it’s important to choose ingredients that will not cause gastrointestinal issues or possibly cause other health problems for your pet in the long term.

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How to make pup-friendly applesauce

Applesauce can be great as a tasty treat for your dog or can be used as a condiment for treats! Either way, your pup will find this recipe delicious and healthy as it packs plenty of vitamin C and fiber. And, it’s totally safe for your pup to eat!

You can make dog-friendly applesauce in minutes in the comfort of your own home. Normally, homemade applesauce for dogs can take 3 to 4 hours to cook in a traditional crockpot. However, you can speed things up by using a pressure cooker… it will help the sauce to cook in under 5 minutes!

Note: if your dog is overweight, diabetic, a young puppy or older dog, has a compromised immune system, or is allergic to bees, it’s best to avoid this recipe or, for those with bee allergies, substitute the honey with maple syrup. Honey, while good for most dogs, can be dangerous if your pup meets any of the previously mentioned conditions.


  • 8 to 12 apples
  • 4 to 6 tbsp of raw honey
  • Water (¼ cup)


  • Peel the cores, and slice the apples
  • Add the sliced apples to a pressure cooker (fill only to the maximum level)
  • Add water and honey
  • Close lid and cook for 5 minutes at high pressure
  • Allow cooker to release pressure for about 10 to 15 minutes
  • Ensure all pressure is released before opening the lid
  • Remove the lid
  • Transfer contents to a blender
  • Blend to a smooth puree
  • Allow the sauce to cool
  • Serve warm and refrigerate the remaining sauce for later

The recommended serving is ⅛ tsp of applesauce per 15 lbs. of body weight. Use this same measure when adding applesauce as a condiment to your dog’s treats. 

Feel free to vary this recipe by adding other dog-friendly ingredients in small amounts like:

  • Cinnamon (eliminates disease-causing pathogens)
  • Ginger (soothes gastrointestinal symptoms)
  • Turmeric (reduces joint and muscle inflammation)

Can dogs eat apple pie?

Apple pie is safe for dogs to eat if it’s made from dog-friendly ingredients. Ensure you use only freshly washed, cored, and peeled apples. 

Use maple syrup instead of processed sugar when making apple pie for dogs. Always avoid possibly harmful ingredients like chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine, a toxic compound that triggers hyperactivity, agitation, and gastrointestinal issues in dogs. Avoid sweeteners containing xylitol, which is harmful to dogs as well. 

So are apples good for dogs?

Can dogs eat apples? Absolutely, but always be careful not to give them the seeds and the core. Remove the fruit's core and seeds before cutting the apple into bite-sized slices. Cube the apples if you are feeding them to a puppy or toy breed dog. 

And what about applesauce? It is okay to give your dog applesauce as long as it does not contain harmful sweeteners like chocolate. Processed sugars may not be harmful but can cause excess weight gain in your dog. We recommend using maple syrup as a sweetener because it is pet-friendly and contains manganese and immune boosting zinc.

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